SERU Assessment



On 5th October 2021 TFL announced that people applying for a PHV driver licence will have to take a Safety, Equality and Regulatory Understanding (SERU) Assessment in addition to the Topographical Assessment.

Below you can find a link for the PHV drivers handbook this will be a guide on everything the SERU Assessments contains 

PHV Drivers Handbook

There are 10 sections of the PHV drivers handbook which are as follows 

Section 1: London PHV Driver Licensing

Section 2: Licensing Requirements for PHVs

Section 3: Carrying out Private Hire Journeys

Section 4: Staying Safe                          

Section 5: Driver Behaviour

Section 6: Driving and Parking in London

Section 7: Safer Driving

Section 8: Being Aware of Equality and Disability

Section 9: Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk

Section 10: Ridesharing

If you have any questions on this assessment you can speak to our team during your Topographical Training and they can guide you on what to expect.

This product requires the use of a computer. Laptops and tablets will experience difficulty loading the route planning map questions. Please ensure your computer is less than 4 years old and has an up to date version of Google Chrome installed.